Reliable Screening with Faster Unloading Times
Receiving waste such as septage, Fats-Oils-Grease (FOG), and sludge can cause severe operational problems and additional equipment maintenance at public and private treatment facilities. Adding a waste receiving station which includes the Raptor® Septage Acceptance Plant or Complete Plant provides fat oil and screening and grit removal in a reliable compact system. The unique screenings basket is specifically designed to handle heavy solids loadings and high grease concentrations, which allows waste haulers to quickly unload providing more revenue to both the haulers and the receiving facilities.
- Compact design with screening and grit removal in one unit
- Security control station allows access for authorized haulers
- All stainless steel construction resists corrosion
- Available for indoor or outdoor environments
- Multiple sized units to suit your application
- Unload up to two (2) waste haulers at the same time