How Water Treatment Solutions Are Keeping The Planet Greener

When the Clean Water Act took effect in 1972, regulations came into play that kept untreated wastewater out of streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Why was this necessary? Prior to the act, some rivers in the U.S. were so polluted that they were deemed unsafe for recreational activities like swimming or fishing.

Contaminated water led to toxins in the fish people ate. That’s why there are limits on how much seafood you can safely consume today. Plus, it was changing the water sources. Harmful bacteria and algae thrive in some polluted bodies of water.

Today, wastewater treatment plants must hold Clean Water Act permits. Before any wastewater returns to a body of water, it must be cleaned. This includes water that goes into a city’s storm drains, water from sewers, and water that’s trucked in by companies that pump out residential septic tanks.

A Brief Look at the Clean Water Act

While the Clean Water Act wasn’t enacted until 1972, it actually dates back to the 1940s. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act put standards in place to help improve the quality of water sources like rivers, lakes, and oceans. It was completely revised and renamed in 1972 and became officially known as the Clean Water Act.

The basis of that act was to make it illegal to discharge any wastewater from a “point source” (container, drainage ditch, pipe, tunnel, etc.) into a water source without a permit. This included manufacturers, waste treatment plants, cities, and towns.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit goes to companies who have the technology and procedures in place to limit bacteria and other pollutants from water that is discharged. To ensure companies are following the guidelines, random samples are taken from time to time and tested. These permits last five years.

Businesses and industries that hold an NPDES permit have 126 pollutants that must be monitored. Of that number, 65 of them are considered “priority” pollutants. These pollutants could be issues to humans or to the plants and creatures living in the many bodies of water throughout the U.S. Here’s an example of some of the priority toxins:

  • Arsenic
  • Asbestos
  • Cadmium
  • Chloroform
  • Cyanide
  • Methyl mercury


Despite the changes over the years, many bodies of water in the U.S. still deal with pollution. From 1990 to 1994, the Environmental Working Group reports that the Mississippi River had more than 702 million pounds of toxic materials released into the river. More than 35 million pounds were released into the Pacific Ocean from three of the West Coast states. The Ohio River was next with more than 22 million pounds. It’s clear there is still work to be done.

How Is Wastewater Cleaned?

Many decades ago, mixing raw sewage into a water source was an effective way to purify that wastewater. The bacteria and creatures in the water would eat the organic matter. As the population increased, there was too much waste for this process to be effective. That’s why water treatment plants developed.

The first stage in a water treatment process involves separating large items like paper, sticks, and plastic items from the liquid. Screens capture the larger items and allow the remaining wastewater through to the next stage. Trash rakes remove those items from the screens to prevent clogs. Wastewater goes into a grit removal system to separate the smaller particles like sand and small stones and aerate the remaining wastewater.

After grit is removed, the wastewater goes to a sedimentation tank to help further remove sediment. It goes through a filter and is aerated more with waste falling to the bottom and the aerated water going out through the effluent pipe. Eventually, chlorine is added to kill any remaining bacteria. Depending on state laws, the chlorine may need to be removed prior to going back into a water source.

For 90 years, Lakeside Equipment Corporation has specialized in water purification systems. The companies original goal was to ensure people had safe drinking water in their cities and towns. Since then, expansion has led to water and wastewater treatment solutions in all of North America and many other countries around the globe. What are your water treatment goals? Call us at 630-837-5640 to talk to a specialist about water treatment solutions that fit your budget and needs.

Recent Innovations in Water Treatment Technology

There’s a growing problem facing Americans. An estimated 44 million Americans lack adequate water systems with many facing violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Add to this the scarcity of water that’s become caused by droughts across the nation. 

California is one of many states where industrial use of the water in aquifers or industrial drilled wells has created problems for the local homeowners relying on their own wells for household water. Even with snow and rain helping boost some reservoirs, supply has to keep up with demand, and that’s not happening.

To get ahead of these issues, water treatment facilities and researchers keep working on finding innovative ways to improve water treatment processes. The more water that gets reused over and over, the less demand there is for the water in lakes, rivers, aquifers, and reservoirs. Water treatment needs to be efficient, affordable, and precise, and that’s where the future is leading us. Check out some of the most recent innovations.

Technologies and Advancements That Are Driving Improvements in Water Treatment

L’Oreal announced that 100% of the water used in its industrial plants will be recycled. That’s a start. But, science and research are equally important in changing the future of water treatment and reuse.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a great way to optimize water treatment processes to save energy and constantly monitor for higher levels of contaminants. If pumps need to be adjusted or things like chlorine need to be increased to ensure the water is clean enough, AI makes it happen. 

This technology can track and adjust flow rates through filtration. AI can also predict adsorption processes all day and night, which removes the risk of human error in the different water treatment steps.

  1. Cellulose Fibers

Purifying water using cellulose powder is one option that’s being studied. Tiny particles of cellulose capture pollutants. So far, studies have found that the pollutants are removed at an 80% removal rate. There is room for improvement, but it’s a start.

  1. Cleaning-in-Place Filters

Reverse osmosis cartridges have been used in plants and homes across the country to help clean water. Once a cartridge has been used up, it has to be disposed of. In some plants, there can be thousands of reverse osmosis cartridge filters, so that’s a lot of trash generation.

A company in Canada came up with a chemical cleaner that cleans cartridge filters so that they can be used again and again. It reduces plastic pollution, lowers plant costs by eliminating the need for downtime while filter cartridges are changed, and lowers the costs of new filters.

  1. Electrodialysis

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have been looking at the use of electricity to shock water clean, similar to the methods used to pasteurize foods. Low-level electric pulses are introduced to contaminated water to help remove pathogens and other contaminants without the need for chemicals. The electric pulses are introduced to a membrane that kills bacteria faster than traditional water treatment processes.

  1. Membrane Filtration

Membrane filtration helps clean water quickly and effectively, and reverse osmosis is one type of membrane filtration that’s seeing improvements. Closed-Circuit Reverse Osmosis (CCRO), Forward Osmosis (FO), Membrane Distillation (MD), and Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis are each worth a closer look.

  • CCRO – Water is recirculated at low pressure, which cuts energy use and requires less membrane filtration materials.
  • FO – Water moves through a semipermeable membrane using osmotic pressure.
  • MD – Water moves through a hydrophobic membrane to separate into two forms – liquid and vapor.
  • OARO – This form of reverse osmosis draws the water from brine, making it an ideal choice for turning ocean water into drinking water.

Membrane filtration can be costly and use a lot of energy. That’s where the company Elateq started when doing its research. Elated’s experts developed a one-step filtration system that uses 90% less energy by using a carbon material and low levels of electricity to clean contaminants like heavy metals, pathogens, and chemicals from water. The company’s patented filtration system is being tested in PepsiCo.

  1. Microbial Biofilm

The use of microbial biofilm is being studied to find ways to clean water without the use of chemicals. Metabolic Network Reactor (MNR) technology taps into the way aquatic plants clean water and establishes a microbial microfilm that mimics how plants’ roots clean the water. The “roots” draw in the contaminants, leaving the clean water behind.

Travelers going through Vermont may have encountered the wastewater treatment plant at the Sharon rest stop. That entire restroom facility uses plants to clean the wastewater from the bathrooms. The plants grow on the wastewater and the cleaned water returns to the toilets for reuse. Microbial biofilm follows the same idea of using the plants’ roots to remove bacteria and other contaminants.

  1. Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles are gaining increased interest when it comes to cleaning PFAs from wastewater. While PFAs are designed to avoid reactions with high temperatures and many chemicals, they’re very hard to clean from wastewater. But, scientists have seen success in removing PFAs with the use of engineered nanoparticles. The nanoparticles are coated with sorbents and draw PFAs to them like magnets.

  1. Reusable PFA Filters

Forever chemicals and PFAs have become a concern in the U.S. Short-term PFAs can be toxic, so their removal from drinking water is important. Filters to remove the PFAs are needed, but the cost to continually replace filters is a concern. Plus, the incineration of the filtration materials that captured the PFAs would just release those PFAs back into the environment.

A team of scientists came up with a bead that filters PFAs, but it can be washed clean for reuse. Filling a cartridge filter with these beads presents the option for a filter that can be used multiple times without decreasing its effectiveness.

  1. Solar (UV) Water Disinfection

Most people who grew up on city water know the smell and taste of the chlorine that’s used to purify water. Times are changing and solar water disinfection is trending. Instead of relying on chemicals, UV light is used to disinfect the water. Some plants pair lower levels of chemicals with UV light that helps the chemicals break down quickly leaving nothing but clean, odor-free water.

  1. Water Recycling

Reusing water is going to be the way of the future. Wastewater treatment plants should look at the benefits of establishing a plant that takes wastewater, cleans it, forwards it to a water treatment plant, and purifies it for household use.

Partner With an Expert to Find Innovations That Fit Your Needs

Lakeside Equipment is nearing 100 years of helping make water clean and safe for people. We’ve been experts in water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities since 1928. Our experts work with you to figure out clean water solutions that match your budget and facility size. Reach us online to find out how you can take steps to embrace water treatment innovation.


What Is The Difference Between Wastewater Screening And Filtering?

The importance of water treatment is an ongoing issue when it comes to public health and safety. Water treatment facilities and their equipment are used across the country to treat, or to remove the harmful properties from it. This is generally done by wastewater treatment plant facilities, whether publicly or privately operated. Wastewater, which is comprised of anything from toilet flushes, sinks, dishwashers, washing machines, or from industrial, commercial, or agricultural runoff. Since it can contain chemical pollutants, it is most necessary that it be treated for safe use and consumption. Facilities that clean wastewater, such as water treatment centers clean it before discharging it back into the environment. This is done through a multi step process. Let’s explore this process further.

What is Wastewater Screening?

Wastewater Screening is the first unit operation used at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Screening removes objects such as rags, paper, plastics, and metals to prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment, piping, and appurtenances.

There are different types of wastewater screens which include coarse screens, fine screens, and communitors and grinders (which are typically used at a smaller treatment facility). Screens can be made of a simple trash rack, or can be as complex as a mechanical bar system. There are also hydrocyclone systems which are devices used to separate liquids from solids, or grit from sludge, directly from the wastewater. The EPA identifies the specifications below for the varying types of screens.

Coarse screens remove large solids, rags, and debris from wastewater, and typically have openings of 6 mm (0.25 in) or larger. Fine screens are typically used to remove material that may create operation and maintenance problems in downstream processes, particularly in systems that lack primary treatment. Typical opening sizes for fine screens are 1.5 to 6 mm (0.06 to 0.25 in). Very fine screens with openings of 0.2 to 1.5 mm (0.01 to 0.06 in).

Another mechanical screen component are comminuting and grinding devices (which consist of rotating slotted cylinders) are installed in the wastewater flow channel to grind and shred material up to 6 to 19 mm (0.25 to 0.75 in) in size. There is also hydrocyclone systems. This is a system that separates liquids from solids directly from the wastewater. Heavier grit and suspended solids collect on the sides and bottom of the cyclone, while scum and lighter solids are removed from the center through the top of the cyclone.

What is Wastewater Filtering?

Wastewater filtering is another step in the process of the water treatment process. In order to safely consume water for drinking, for example, the wastewater needs to have dangerous contaminants reduced below EPA limits. To treat the water secondarily (after screening), a filtration process is used. The type of filtration system that is used depends on the facility, but a trickling filter system (also known as activated sludge process) is often used. In this process, wastewater is pumped into an area that has about the to six feet of stones, essentially into a tank that is aerated  so it will produce the growth of bacteria.

On these stones, bacteria attaches to its surfaces, and then the bacteria consume and break down the matter that passes through the area. The bacteria are responsible for breaking down the organic matter among the sludge that flows into the tank. Afterward, the water goes through an additional round of treatment.

After the water leaves the sedimentation tank in the secondary stage of the treatment process, it is sent into tanks where it is exposed to chlorine (or ammonia), which can kill up to 99% of the bacteria. This is, of course, a very important step in the process.

The Difference Between Screening And Filtration

Don’t forget that there are also water filters that can be purchased for your business or home, that come in a myriad of shapes, sizes and costs. Water filters are available to support a home’s principal water resource, to attach or connect to a faucet, and they are even available for an individual water bottle, too. Water filters can be stationary or portable, depending on your usage (bathrooms, swimming pools, drinking water). While filters are an excellent resource, they do need to be maintained over time — just as equipment and a water facility does.

This might have given you a better idea of the way a water filter can be used. Now that you have this image, you can see that in the wastewater treatment process the screening is really the preliminary step that removes ‘larger’ organic matter, and then the filtering process is one that further removes any impurities.

The Wastewater Treatment Process

The wastewater screening and filtration process are crucial for creating and maintaining water that is safe for human use and consumption. There are various kinds of technology used for this process, but you can imagine that a degree of efficiency and reliability ensure the process runs seamlessly. Since water is among — if not THE — most precious resource, we must use high quality materials and a consistent, responsible process for treating it.

Water at its natural state contains undesirable sediments, colors, algae and other organisms that can be harmful. For these reasons, water treatment is a process that is paramount. To keep water treatment processes pure, equipment such as tanks, filter bed and other work areas must be clean and maintained properly. They must follow the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations and ensure the highest standard of safety it met. When it comes to our health and safety, you want to be able to trust the screening and filtering processes that purify our water. Lakeside Equipment Corporation uses high quality materials and designs that have been engineered specifically for this process. Contact Lakeside Equipment today to find out more about how we can help you with your water treatment needs!

The Advantage of Customized Water Treatment Solutions for Industrial Applications

Water plays a key role in your industry, but you can’t just release that water to a municipal water treatment plant or a nearby river or lake. It contains contaminants that cause environmental damage and make the work the municipal wastewater treatment plant does a lot harder. 

There’s another aspect to consider. The work you do requires the purest possible water for the foods, beverages, or medications you make. If there are any contaminants in the water coming into your plant, it could become a health hazard or reduce the quality of your product. That’s another concern many industries face.

Industrial wastewater and water treatment solutions are never one-size-fits-all. The wastewater treatment solutions for a brewery are going to be less useful to a plastics extrusion company. The solutions for that plastics extrusion company will not be helpful to a poultry processing plant.  A baby formula or pharmaceutical industry will have both aspects to consider.

A standard water treatment system isn’t always going to work for your needs and can end up being a waste of money. Customized wastewater treatment solutions are advantageous for several reasons. Learn more about why your business needs to work on a water treatment system that matches the work you do.

Four  Advantages of Customized Industrial Water Treatment Solutions

There are four key advantages to customized water treatment solutions that industries experience when making upgrades. Check them out.

Solutions Are Customized to Your Business’s Specific Needs

When a water treatment system is designed for you, it’s customized to your exact needs. If your plant makes baby formula and baby formula powder, the water you use needs to be ultra-filtered and boiled to ensure any bacteria is killed and filtered away. However, a company that makes water-based paints may not need to be as stringent.

It’s More Efficient and Effective

Customized solutions are also more effective. If mineral build-up could clog your equipment, you need a water treatment system that takes care of this issue. The amount of calcium in municipal water may be acceptable, but it’s not acceptable for your needs. Customized treatment systems make sure the water you use is appropriate for your industrial processes.

This also makes your company’s processes more efficient. You don’t have to take pre-treatment steps before the water you draw from the city is usable.

Customized Solutions Help You Save Money

Going back to the efficiency that customized water treatment solutions offer, this saves money. You’re using less energy during the different steps your workers follow.

Suppose you don’t use water that’s been specially treated for your industrial plant. You end up with a run of wasted product due to unexpected contaminants in the city’s water due to an unexpected broken main that allowed groundwater and soil into the water line. With a water treatment plant in your company, you’re cleaning water to your needs. As long as you keep your plant maintained and test water quality frequently, you’ll know the quality is fine.

The other aspect is if you install a customized industrial wastewater treatment plant before you release the water to the sewers.  If you release high quantities of PCBs, chemicals, or fats, oil, and grease (FOG) to the sewers, the wastewater treatment plant that receives the sewer water has to work harder to get the water clean. 

This drives up costs for the municipality’s customers. They’re not going to be happy to watch their costs soar because of your company. You could end up facing costly fines or lawsuits. Take preventative measures and keep your costs down.

It Helps the Environment

When you clean and reuse your industry’s water or clean it and release it to the city’s wastewater treatment plant, you’re helping keep dangerous chemicals from the area’s water. It keeps chemicals from making their way into rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and the ocean.

Explore Examples Demonstrating the Advantages of Customized Water Treatment Solutions

Explore several examples that demonstrate how a customized water treatment solution helped different companies save money, improve quality, and become more efficient.

# 1 – Pepsi’s Solution to High Sugar Levels in Wastewater

Pepsi realized the importance of lowering its plant’s carbon footprint and needed to find a way to dispose of expired or poor-quality products. To do this, the company planned to clean the wastewater it generated, but it didn’t have room for a full-size wastewater treatment plant.  

They partnered with wastewater treatment experts to get a smaller system that uses anaerobic bacteria treatments to break down the sugar.  But, those bacteria also generate electricity in the process. The result is that upwards of 85% of the sugar in their wastewater is removed in just one shift. The company lowered the amount of high-sugar wastewater being sent to the district.

#2 – Microsoft 

Microsoft realized they were using too much water. They decided to collect rainwater across their campus and install a water treatment plant in their facility. The goal is to no longer rely on public water at all by 2030.

The rainwater is treated and used in their cooling towers, bathrooms, and landscaping needs. The water from flushed toilets and sinks is recaptured and treated in a continual cycle. Plus, they added watersheds or measures to protect watersheds in their different locations to help put more water back in streams, rivers, and lakes.

#3 – Semiconductor Plants and Chip Manufacturers

Several companies that fabricate chips and semiconductors needed to make big changes. A large chip fab can use as much as 10 million gallons each day. That’s an incredible waste of water in regions where water is running low. 

Taiwan was one of the first countries to experience the importance of water recycling. A severe drought could have ended operations from some of the world’s biggest semiconductor manufacturing plants. To end this problem, they invest in water treatment plants. These plants clean the water to a level it is suitable for reuse to make more chips or semiconductors. 

#4 – The Clothing Industry

In Asia, three rivers in Dhaka were killed by the industrial dyes used in the fabrics used to make clothing. The World Bank identified more than five dozen dangerous chemicals that were in these rivers. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 has raised awareness of this issue and measures are underway to clean the chemicals from the wastewater and make it possible for the factories to reuse the treated water.

Partner With an Expert in Clean Water

You can’t just buy water treatment equipment and put together a system you think will do what it needs. You need to have an expert in water treatment to help you plan the best path forward.

Save money, have higher quality products, and lessen the burden on your municipality’s wastewater treatment plant with customized water treatment solutions. Lakeside Equipment is backed by close to a century of water treatment solutions and advancements. We can help you find high-quality solutions that do everything you need and more, at a price point that matches your budget. 

Arrange a consultation with Lakeside Equipment’s water treatment specialists. Our engineers, field technicians, and support personnel are by your side every step of the way. Reach Lakeside Equipment online or by phone.

How Wastewater Screening Equipment Works

Wastewater is one of the most common forms of pollution, and in the United States there are wastewater treatment facilities to control this. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), wastewater contains large solids and grit that can interfere with treatment processes or cause undue mechanical wear. Over time, this increases maintenance on wastewater treatment equipment. In order to minimize problems, these materials require separate and special handling and maintenance. The EPA recognizes preliminary forms of wastewater treatment as screening, grit removal, septage handling, odor control, and flow equalization. Facilities that clean wastewater, such as water treatment centers clean it before  discharging it back into the environment. This can be done with machinery (both manual and mechanical). Machinery that has been especially engineered for wastewater treatment is most efficient. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the ways wastewater screening works.

Wastewater Screening Devices

In general, wastewater screening devices are classified based on the amount of material that is being removed from them. The design elements that classify screening equipment are size, depth, width, the screen’s angle, approach velocity of the channel, the discharge height, wind and other aesthetic considerations. There are different types of screening devices, both manual and mechanical.

There are different types of wastewater screens which include coarse screens, fine screens, and communitors and grinders (which are typically used at a smaller treatment facility). Screens can be made of a simple trash rack, or can be as complex as a mechanical bar system. There are also hydrocyclone systems which are devices used to separate liquids from solids, or grit from sludge, directly from the wastewater. The EPA identifies the specifications for the screens below:

Coarse Screens – Coarse screens remove large solids, rags, and debris from wastewater, and typically have openings of 6 mm (0.25 in) or larger.

Fine Screens -Fine screens are typically used to remove material that may create operation and maintenance problems in downstream processes, particularly in systems that lack primary treatment. Typical opening sizes for fine screens are 1.5 to 6 mm (0.06 to 0.25 in). Very fine screens with openings of 0.2 to 1.5 mm (0.01 to 0.06 in).

Communitors and Grinders – Comminuting and grinding devices (which consist of rotating slotted cylinders) are installed in the wastewater flow channel to grind and shred material up to 6 to 19 mm (0.25 to 0.75 in) in size

Hydrocyclone Systems – This is a system that separates liquids from solids directly from the wastewater. Heavier grit and suspended solids collect on the sides and bottom of the cyclone, while scum and lighter solids are removed from the center through the top of the cyclone.

Manual and Mechanical Screening Equipment

There are both manually cleaned and mechanically cleaned bar screens. A bar screen is essentially a heavy duty screen that uses a reciprocating rake which cleans the wastewater bar screen by pulling out debris.

In general, manually cleaned screens will require frequent raking to avoid them getting clogged up. This also avoids a buildup of solids on the screen itself and backwater levels from rising. Keep in mind that this manual work will require more labor costs over time. The time that is taken to clean the screen manually will also detract from the time it is serving its purpose, which can also cause overflow of waste solids.

Mechanical screens, on the other hand, aren’t subject to the same concerns, but they do require higher maintenance costs. Overall, you want to make sure you have a system that is the most efficient for your facility and needs. The Environmental Protection Agency suggests that plants utilizing mechanically cleaned screens should have a standby screen to put into operation when the primary screening device is out of service — which is a standard design practice for many newly designed plants. Having a replacement screen will prevent clogging and backup, similarly to concerns for when a manual screen is being cleaned. Larger facilities are more likely to use a mechanical screen in order to reduce labor costs (as the equipment is more costly itself), and to improve the conditions of the overall flow of the wastewater and water treatment  process. The cost for screens varies, of course, depending on the technology that is used and that is available in each particular area.

Efficient Wastewater Equipment

Our wastewater treatment equipment is efficient in that it screens, washes, compacts and dewaters in one smooth, seamless operation. This equipment is designed to handle wastewater, septage, sludge, scum, and grease.  Our equipment offers:

  • Compact design with screening and grit removal in one unit
  • Security control station allows access for authorized haulers
  • All stainless steel construction resists corrosion
  • Available for indoor or outdoor environments
  • Multiple sized units to suit your application
  • Unload up to two (2) waste haulers at the same time

Selecting A Wastewater Treatment System

When considering a wastewater treatment system, you want to select one that is appropriate for your needs. Keep in mind your location, facility, anticipated costs, the size of the system, and its overall functioning. One of the most important components of a water treatment system is the screen. As discussed, screens come in different sizes, depths, widths, and different designs according to the technology available in the area as well as for your budget. Overall, mechanical screens are commonly used in larger treatment facilities and require lower labor costs.  No matter what type of equipment you choose, it is important to have a backup screen so your operations can run smoothly, avoiding backup and unnecessary problems. If you are looking for a water treatment system, take a look at our specially engineered equipment with quality materials which has been made to maximize efficiency and minimize setbacks.

Understanding the Role of Filtration Systems in Effective Water Treatment

Did you catch the recent news about how the massive draws of water by agriculture, homes, and businesses have shifted the earth’s axis a tiny amount to the east? It’s not a huge shift – only about 1.7 inches per year – but it’s enough that it could play a role in climate change and the global sea level rise.

Many districts have water treatment plants and clean water that’s drawn from rivers, lakes, or ponds. In some areas where water sources have been running water reuse is essential. That means treating wastewater, pumping that cleaned wastewater to water treatment plants, and preparing that water for people to use. For this to work, filtration systems are a key component in making sure contaminants are removed. 

The basics of water treatment are:

  1. Coagulation – Chemicals like iron or salts are mixed into the water. They have a positive charge. Meanwhile, contaminants like dirt have a negative charge. The opposite charges attract and cause them to bind. 
  2. Flocculation – The water is mixed so that heavier particles form. Additional chemicals may be added to get the particle clumps known as flocs to get as large as possible.
  3. Sedimentation – The water is now allowed to settle. The larger flocs sink and can be removed from tanks. The rest of the water goes to filtration.
  4. Filtration – The treated water is pumped or travels via gravity or centrifugation through some kind of filtration system to remove bacteria, chemicals, parasites, viruses, and any other particles.  Contaminants like cryptosporidium E. coli, giardia, and legionella can be found in groundwater and surface water due to animal and human waste and can make humans sick if they’re not filtered and exposed to a disinfectant.
  5. Disinfection – Water is treated with a chemical disinfectant such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or chloramines to kill any remaining bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Some water treatment plants use UV lights and ozone, but chlorine is often preferred as it can also kill the germs that build up in pipes around the water treatment plant. Once the water is treated, it’s often allowed time to sit to ensure chemical disinfectant levels meet the EPA guidelines before the water goes to homes and businesses.

The Types of Filtration Systems and Their Role in Treating Water

What are the different types of filters used in water treatment? Several options are good for adsorption, meaning they capture and hold contaminants, and only clean water is allowed through the filter. Most plants use one of these filtration options: 

  1. Activated Charcoal:

Activated carbon filters are good for removing odors from water. They also capture particles and germs. Water treatment plants tend to use granular activated carbon as it’s able to adsorb a variety of contaminants, including some pharmaceuticals. When activated carbon needs to be replaced, it’s also compostable, which makes it an environmentally-friendly option. 

This is also likely to be a form of water treatment that will be familiar to you. It’s the charcoal material found in many fish filters, pet water fountains, and pitcher filter systems like Brita or Pur. If you have a refrigerator with filtered water, you likely have an activated carbon filter doing the work.

  1. Coconut Fiber Filters:

Some water treatment plants have tested out coconut fiber filters. Created from the fibers of a coconut shell, these filters are great for absorbing contaminants. Plus, it gives the coconut shell fibers a second use after the coconut meat is removed for the food industry.

Coconut fibers don’t break down as easily. While an activated carbon filter usually requires some time to clear out the carbon dust, you don’t run into that with coconut fibers. It’s worth a closer look if it’s an option in your area.

  1. Microfiltration:

Microfiltration is one option that can be used in a water treatment plant. It’s good for removing bacteria and suspended solids, but it’s not as good for removing viruses and salts. If it’s used, it’s usually a pre-treatment step.

  1. Nanofiltration:

Nanofiltration is more energy-efficient than reverse osmosis and is more likely to be used when converting treated wastewater to clean water for residential and business use. The process is similar to reverse osmosis, but it uses lower pressure. It’s also not as effective as reverse osmosis and removes about 90% of salts and almost all of the bacteria, organic matter, and viruses in water. It’s better at removing contaminants than either microfiltration or ultrafiltration.

  1. Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis requires a filter and is one of the best ways to get contaminants out of water. Water is pushed through a semipermeable membrane to remove viruses, bacteria, organics, dissolved salts, and other particles. It’s only 99% effective, but chemical or UV treatments kill off anything that remains. 

  1. Sand:

There are two types of sand filtration. Slow sand filtration has the water travel through a funnel of sand where bacteria have colonized on the surface of the sand. As the water slowly passes through the bacteria layer known as biofilm, the microbes digest any contaminants. Anything that slips by is caught in the sand. It’s a slow process and requires a lot of space. 

Because slow filtration is a time-consuming process, rapid sand filtration is often preferred. The sand filters have higher flow rates and don’t require as much space, but the sand filters do have to be back-washed regularly.

  1. Ultrafiltration:

We’ve talked about microfiltration and nanofiltration. Ultrafiltration falls between the two in terms of what it can and cannot remove. It’s not good for removing salts, but it’s fantastic at removing bacteria and viruses.

With ultrafiltration, water is pushed through a filter with pores as small as five nanometers at low pressure. The tiny pores capture viruses, organic material, and other contaminants. Filters are back-washed with chemicals from time to time. Typically, ultrafiltration occurs as a pre-treatment step before reverse osmosis.

Which System Is Best?

Which is best? It’s hard to answer that without having a list of the contaminants that are most prevalent in your area.

When it comes to filtration systems, the type you use will vary depending on the contaminants that affect your district’s water. If you have higher levels of E. coli due to a number of area farms, you’ll likely need a different filtration system than a water treatment plant in a city where there are many industrial plants. Working with an expert in water treatment filtration ensures you have the right system.

Continuing research will help make water treatment processes even better. As water treatment plants look for better ways to filter newer contaminants like PCBs and forever chemicals, hopes are to make water cleaner, faster. 

Stay up to date on the latest water treatment advancements by working with an expert in clean water. Lakeside Equipment is nearing a century in water treatment equipment and technologies for your water treatment and wastewater treatment plant. Give us a call or reach us online to learn more about the best water treatment filtration options.

How Grit Collection Technology Helps Keep Equipment Running and Water Cleaner

What is grit collection technology? Before you can think of that, you have to think about grit. Grit is the fine particles of matter like sand, sludge, and other abrasives found that finds its way into sewers and septic tanks or that comes from rivers, lakes, and streams.

Wastewater grit is especially troublesome. It’s more than sand. It can be eggshells, bones, and coffee grounds that go down the sink. It can be the sand and gravel that washes from a street into a sewer drain. These materials are never a consistent size or shape.

Now think about the industrial settings and treatment plants that encounter grit in water or other liquids. Not only can they clog equipment, but the abrasive materials wear down parts over time. It gets costly. Grit collection technology is the equipment and processes that clear grit and other particles from water before it’s used in industrial or residential settings.

How Does a Wastewater Treatment Plant Clean the Water?

Wastewater treatment plants use grit collection technology every day. Not only must these plants remove odors and bacteria, but they also need to take the wastewater and make it clean. This is a multi-step process.

  1. A screw pump controls the rate at which water flows. Bearings are important to the screw pump’s lifespan, so you want quality components. Lakeside Equipment has engineers that look at the lift and flow rates you need, and consider those with the incline and required speed in order to develop the ideal pump for you.
  2. Screens filter all large materials like paper towels, plastic wrappers, and toilet paper to prevent damage to pipes and avoid clogs. As wastewater continues through the equipment, the screens get smaller and smaller. Screens may start with gaps of 1.5 mm and go as small as 0.06 mm. To clean the screens, there may be a trash or screen rake that automatically clears and removes the debris.
  3. In between the different screen sizes, there are grinders that grind the waste. The idea is to keep grinding the waste and catching it in filters until the water that passes is clean.
  4. There are also comminutors that capture the large material and chop it into more uniform sizes for the grinders to work with.
  5. Grit chambers and grit collectors are the pieces of equipment that collect the grit so it can be taken to a landfill or facility for disposal.

To get to the cleanest water possible, you need a system that effectively filters out silt and other particles. These steps are all part of the basic process. There are several systems available, and each works a little differently depending on the components you choose.

Types of Grit Removal Systems

Lakeside Equipment Corporation specializes in several types of grit removal systems. There are advantages to each one.

Aeroductor – The Aeroductor system avoids having any motorized parts that are submerged. It can be constructed from stainless steel to prevent corrosion. Its biggest benefit is that it can separate and wash grit at the same time.

Headworks Packaged System – H-PAC systems are stainless steel and prevent corrosion. It has by-pass options for the grit chamber and screen.

Grit Classifier – There are several types of Grit Classifier systems to allow you to find the best solution for your needs. A screw conveyor gets rid of grit that is ready to be disposed of. That screw conveyor is designed for strength and durability.

In-Line Grit Collector – In-line is an affordable system that uses aeration to keep particles from settling. It’s best for a system where the flow rate is under 6.0 million gallons per day. Motorized parts remain above water for easy maintenance.

Raptor – If you need a grit removal system that has a conical design where grit and particles are washed and separated with precision, the Raptor Grit Washer is a good choice. It’s made from stainless steel to help prevent corrosion. It handles a variety of flow rates and reaches grit discharge rates of 90 percent.

SpiraGrit – With SpiraGrit, you get a compact system that doesn’t take up much space. The bearings are not submerged and the components do not corrode quickly, which makes maintenance a breeze. It handles all flow rates.

What You Need to Consider

Whether you’re replacing equipment or planning a new system, you need to carefully weigh the water flow rates, longevity, and requirements. Experts can help you decide the best grit removal technology for an efficient, effective treatment system.

Would you like more information on equipment that helps with grit removal? Use the online form to get help finding the right system for your needs. You can also call (630) 837-5640.

Developing an Efficient and Reliable Wastewater Process in Your Factory

Running a wastewater treatment plant is a multi-faceted process. The safety manager has to focus on workers’ safety, while the energy manager has to consider how much energy is being consumed. You have production teams working on proper treatment measures at the rates people and businesses need. There are also maintenance workers that have to keep everything running smoothly and avoid downtime.

Every wastewater treatment plant manager needs to think of ways for the municipality’s plant to be efficient and reliable. This is key to lowering energy consumption and avoiding costly fines caused by raw sewage release. How do you develop an efficient, reliable wastewater treatment process? 

Start by Answering a Few Questions

Before you do anything, you need to address what your wastewater treatment process needs to achieve. Are you in an industrial area where a lot of your wastewater comes from businesses? Are those companies required to pre-treat wastewater before it reaches your facility? 

If you’re in a heavily residential area, toilets, washing machines, showers, and dishwashers or hand-washed dishwater is the bulk of what you’d be cleaning. Most facilities treat water from both of these. You may also have a high percentage of trucked-in septage that’s pumped from homes, and those homes may only have tanks pumped every few years, so there may be more solids than usual.

Once you know what wastewater is generated, how much will you get on an average day? When do you find flow rates increase and when is the flow much slower? What are the regulations in your area? To get approval from the EPA, you’ll have to clean the water as required by the EPA. The equipment and plant design you choose needs to be able to meet these requirements.

Most wastewater treatment plants will be looking at a hauled waste receptacle, screens and trash rakes, a grit removal system, clarifiers, and biological treatment. If you need a small wastewater treatment system for your factory, a Raptor Complete Plant doesn’t need a lot of space and does everything you need. Otherwise, you’ll want to look at individual components. 

Cut Energy Costs Without Sacrificing Treatment Speeds

In a wastewater treatment facility, aerators consume the most energy and pumps are close being. Upgrade to more efficient equipment to cut costs. You should also use systems that scale up and down as flow rates increase and decrease. 

It’s also worthwhile to look into equipment that can take the methane produced in wastewater treatment and convert it to fuel you can use to heat or power your plant. You may still use a lot of energy when running your plant, but you will slash your heating bills in cold weather and electricity bills year-round.

Aim for Easy-to-Maintain Equipment 

When equipment is above the water, you don’t have to drain tanks and ponds down before repairs or maintenance takes place. Motors with sealed bearing assemblies that lubricate themselves reduce maintenance needs. 

Another consideration is to get pumps that can clean impellers by shifting from minimum to maximum speeds. That can save a lot of time with maintenance demands.

Invest in Automated Process Controls

SCADA is important for monitoring all of the processes in your plant. What is SCADA? It stands for Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition. It’s a computer system that collects and analyzes real-time data from the equipment in your wastewater treatment system to alert you to potential issues. It’s a must-have technology for efficiency and troubleshooting.

Add Sharp BNR to SCADA and monitor processes and quickly adjust aeration to maximize your plant’s efficiency. You can add other technology like Variable Frequency Drives and motor starters for an all-in-one system that practically runs itself. 

That can help keep workers from needing to be at the plant 24/7. If there are issues, you can check remotely and make adjustments or decide if making the drive is necessary.

Slash Costs on Screenings by Having a Wash Press

The first stage of a wastewater treatment process is to screen materials like rags, plastic, and other litter that shouldn’t get flushed but often does. Those materials are caught on screens and removed to landfills. These organic materials are heavy and carry fecal material that will smell and can drive up disposal costs at an area landfill. The less you have to dispose of, the better it is.

A Raptor Wash Press screens this organic material, but it washes and dewaters it. Less water means lighter materials, which makes it easier to dispose of in a landfill. This equipment is capable of reducing screenings by half and weight by as much as 67%.

In addition, more of the water in your wastewater continues into the next steps in wastewater treatment. Eventually, more water is being returned to the community, which is especially helpful in areas where droughts are impacting water levels.

Have Extra Storage Tanks for Overflow Situations

If there is a problem, extra storage keeps your workers from having to release raw sewage. The excess wastewater can sit in tanks until the rest of the system is caught up. While you can ask residents to conserve water and avoid flushing toilets and limit showers each week, there are no guarantees they will. Storage is important.

Think Ahead and Be Prepared for Emergency Situations

Several cities in Vermont were hit by a historically heavy rainfall that flooded several wastewater treatment plants. The flood was only part of the problem. Power outages knocked systems offline, which meant wastewater wasn’t getting treated. More than a week later, towns and cities like Barre, Barton, Bridgewater, Hardwick, Johnson, Ludlow, Montpelier, and a handful of others are still not able to process at full capacity. Some of the workers are sleeping at the plant to keep up with changing flow rates.

No one expected upwards of ten inches of rain in one day, and days of more and more rain and thunderstorms are hampering efforts to get back to normal. With climate change and climate phenomena like El Nino, what can you do to make sure your wastewater facility runs efficiently and reliably at all times? You can’t predict the future, but you can take measures to plan ahead for changing weather patterns that your plant is ready for.

If your plant is relying solely on electricity and will suffer in an outage, consider having a backup power source like solar or wind. A backup generator is worth considering if solar and wind are not options. 

Work With a Wastewater Treatment Expert

Lakeside Equipment brings close to 100 years of expertise in the water treatment industry. The sales team and engineers listen to your needs and concerns and help you develop the best ways to develop an efficient, reliable wastewater process. We’re happy to answer questions and give our expert input on how to improve your wastewater treatment plant’s equipment and processes at the budget you need to stick to.

How Technology and Data Is Improving Wastewater Treatment

Since government water quality standards were required, water is nothing like your ancestors experienced. Still, there are improvements that can be made. Using data and technology, wastewater treatment engineers continue to make strides to ensure that people throughout the world have clean, safe water.

A Brief History of Water Treatment Practices

Civilizations like Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Mesopotamia all strived to dispose of human waste to keep water sources clean. In the United States, Hans Christopher Christiansen helped launch the nation’s first public water department in Pennsylvania in 1755.

Baltimore, Maryland, and Boston, Massachusetts, were the first two cities to create municipal water treatment plants. Diseases like cholera were running rampant. These did not come into fruition until the mid-1800s. It wasn’t until the 1910s that chlorine was used to sanitize water. World War II led to new discoveries on treating water to make it clean and safe.

Surprisingly, despite the advancements, the U.S. government did not pass the Safe Drinking Water Act until 1974. At this point, tests were used to make sure the levels of certain contaminants were monitored and maintained.

Understanding How Wastewater is Processed

Wastewater is the water that travels through sewers or is trucked in after septic tank cleanings. It comes from washing machines, dishwashers, sinks, bathtubs, showers, and toilets. In a sewer, it also contains water that drains from streets on a rainy day or when the snow melts.

Wastewater contains everything from soap and cleaners to food scraps and human waste. It can be the water that comes from an industrial setting like a paper mill or manufacturing plant. For this water to be reused or returned to lakes and streams, it needs to be filtered and cleaned.

Cleaning wastewater requires multiple steps. First, the solids need to be filtered out. The remaining water, known as effluent, continues going through smaller and smaller screens that keep filtering the grit. That grit is disposed of in landfills and other facilities that can process it.

Aeration adds oxygen that can help break down gases and assist materials in the effluent as they decompose. This secondary step continues to help get rid of grit and other materials.

The third step is to help separate the sludge and scum from the wastewater. Sludge settles at the bottom is moved to digesters. Scum, such as oils and plastic materials, float to the top of the tank where mechanical rakes remove them.

Filtration is a fourth step that helps remove bacteria by running the wastewater through sand or carbon filters. In addition to removing bacteria from the water, iron is also removed.

In the final step, the filtered water is moved to tanks where chlorine helps kill off any remaining bacteria. As the chlorine destroys remaining bacteria, it also breaks down leaving minute traces of the chemical. At this point, it’s ready to enter rivers and become part of a natural water source again.

How Do Data and Technology Help?

Computers have become an important component in wastewater treatment. Not only do they help with research and data, but they also run the CAD software that can help design the right system for your needs. Once the blueprints are in place, you’ll be able to pick the equipment you need. Field engineers have the training and hands-on experience to make sure installations of entire systems go smoothly. If there are hiccups, the engineers are on-hand to figure out and implement a solution.

The EPA maintains the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology Database to make it easy to find Clean Water Act rules and guidelines. This resource helps make it easy to research the latest advancements, which can help companies hone their wastewater practices. You can search by topic, industry, pollutant, technology, or download the entire database.

Technology alone has led to many advancements in productivity and operational costs. Wastewater treatment systems of the past relied on humans to manage many of the controls and processes. While today’s computers can adjust the flow rate of wastewater and clean screens, humans once had to carefully monitor and manage those aspects.

Motorized rake systems remove oils, plastics, and other trash now, but humans used to have to rake these materials out. Screens are cleaned automatically. Computers can take readings, store them for management to use, and this makes it easier to manage overall costs and expenses.

Lakeside Equipment has been helping with wastewater treatment since 1928. Engineers and other wastewater specialists work with companies to create effective water treatment systems. The company can keep operating costs down and ease maintenance and repair requirements. Complete the online form to talk to a customer service representative.

The Benefits of Installing a Wastewater Clarifier in Industrial Facilities

Clarification is a key step in cleaning wastewater. Primary clarification helps remove solids like FOG, scum, and sludge. Secondary clarification starts to remove some of the germs, microbes, and small particles. Before your industrial wastewater heads to the sewers, you must add a wastewater clarifier. What are the benefits?

Stay in Compliance With Local, State, and Federal Regulations

Have you looked at your local, state, and federal regulations? You may be legally required to install a wastewater clarifier

The federal government has many restrictions on wastewater treatment in categories like battery manufacturing, the dairy industry, medical offices/hospitals, meat and poultry processing plants, paper/pulp mills, seafood processing plants, and dozens of others. If you’re one of those industries, industrial wastewater treatment is required.

States may have their own regulations. Some regions of Massachusetts set stricter rules than the EPA has for the reuse of biosolids from wastewater treatment. You can’t always follow federal government rules and still be doing everything correctly. You need to check with your local wastewater district to find out what state rules apply to you.

Finally, you might find the city or district you’re in requires it, too. In Carson City, Nevada, industries like commercial laundromats, food producers/restaurants, hotels with dining facilities, mortuaries, and wholesale bakeries have to reduce the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids they send to a wastewater treatment plant. If they don’t meet the local requirements, they can pay huge fines.

Help Protect the Environment

July brought flooding rains to some areas of Vermont, and several wastewater treatment plants were either destroyed or had to reduce operations and release raw sewage directly to the rivers their facilities connect to. 

If you’re clarifying wastewater before it leaves your industrial facility, you help protect the environment. It can be tremendously beneficial to the community and bodies of water in the area if the water reaching the facility is already pretreated. You do a lot to help protect the environment in case of raw sewage releases.

Create Less Hassle Within Your District

People are going to be upset if they find they’re paying higher rates for a system that’s being overwhelmed by industrial wastewater. When you add clarifying equipment and treat the wastewater leaving your facility, you’re less likely to frustrate and even anger people in your wastewater district or the workers at the local treatment plant.

You’re not overwhelming the system and creating a strain on equipment that’s getting older. This is a win-win situation for everyone.

Heighten Worker Safety

Depending on your industrial facility, you could be releasing some hazardous liquids that can impact your wastewater treatment plant’s workers. If you have a meat processing facility, your wastewater likely contains high levels of E. coli, salmonella, or other foodborne illnesses. The workers are at a higher risk. When you clarify your industrial wastewater first, you take the initial step to help keep them safe.

Reduce Your Potential Costs

When you treat wastewater before releasing it to a sewer or body of water, you could be charged steep fines if there are any contaminants in that water. A California company was fined almost $5 million for releasing untreated wastewater into a public wastewater treatment plant without being permitted to do so. They were releasing almost 250,000 gallons taking up almost 40% of the wastewater treatment plant’s capacity.

If you’re not approved to release wastewater to the local facility and aren’t meeting regulations regarding clarification or pre-treatment, you could end up paying millions of dollars, which could bankrupt you.

Improve Your Company or Brand’s Image

Your brand’s image can take a hit if you’re not clarifying your industrial wastewater. Bad press can destroy a business’s reputation. While adding an industrial wastewater system does cost money, it can pay off when it comes to how the public feels about your business.

As an example, breweries often send a lot of wastewater to local wastewater treatment plants every day. Organic materials and grains that are in a brewery’s wastewater are hard to treat. When an abundance of brewery wastewater comes in and needs extra time to treat, it takes up room from others in the municipality. It becomes frustrating to area residents and wastewater treatment plant operators

When a brewery looks for grants and other financing options to add its own clarification equipment, it can do a lot for its reputation. Plus, the grains that are filtered out can become feed for cattle and livestock and the organic matter can be used as fertilizer. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Wastewater Clarifier

Before you invest in an industrial wastewater clarifier, make sure you purchase the best wastewater treatment equipment for your needs. Your budget will play a major role in what you eventually purchase, but there are several other things to keep in mind.

The Different Types of Clarifiers

There are different types of clarifiers. With some, the wastewater enters on the side at the top and travels downward with a whirlpool type of flow. Others enter the center. It helps to learn a little more about these popular options to understand what they can do and how they work.


Wastewater comes into the outer perimeter of the clarifier tank at the top and travels along a raceway that’s positioned between the outer wall and skirt. Water spirals down the skirt to the main area where settling occurs. Suspended solids are then caught in a sludge blanket for removal through the central hopper.

A peripheral-feed spiral clarifier like the Spiraflo often performs up to 4x better than a center-feed clarifier.


Like the Spiraflo, the Spiravac has wastewater entering from a pipe at the top of the raceway and spiraling down to the settling area at the bottom. Sludge is then removed through Controlled Removal using separate sludge removal pipes that lead to a sludge well or Direct Removal using a header pipe that uses a rotating manifold to discharge the sludge.

In addition to those two popular wastewater clarifiers, full surface skimming is also recommended. There are full-surface ducking skimmers that cost less and have hinges that allow the skimmer to fit under a scum trough. A motorized full-surface skimmer has a drive that rotates the skimmer arm and a blade that pushes floating scum and FOG to a trough for removal.

Your Facility’s Available Space

How much space is available? If you don’t have a lot of space, you need to find a clarifier that takes up as little space as possible. A Spiraflo ranges in size from 8 feet in diameter to 130 feet, so it’s a good option if you need to stick within a certain amount of space.

The Maintenance Requirements

Finally, look for a clarifier that requires little maintenance. If you choose a system that has a lot of steps to keep it maintained, hire additional staff to ensure you have a team available for routine maintenance. 

Work With a Water Treatment Professional 

An industrial wastewater clarifier is a valuable asset for any facility, and it’s one you shouldn’t rush into purchasing without research and expert knowledge. You need a system that helps you save money, stay in compliance, keep people in your municipality happy, and reduce the strain on your area’s wastewater treatment plant. 

Ensure you get exactly what your plant needs by working with a water treatment expert. The team at Lakeside Equipment is highly knowledgeable in all aspects of water treatment, including clarifiers. Talk to our team to discuss your facility’s goals, the space you have, and your budget. We’ll help you find the best clarifier for industrial wastewater.